Miguel Angel Delgado

I am Miguel Ángel Delgado, a burin engraver by profession and a lover of sharp edges.

My working life starts far away from metal. I studied Computer Systems and in my adolescence I collaborated in written publications of technical profile, and later as an operator managing backups in banking institutions. The passage of time and a certain disillusionment put an end to my career among computers. I decide to completely turn my comfort zone upside down.

In 2012 I started to learn about jewellery techniques, and that is when I fell in love with burin engraving. Since then, and until now, I have developed this passion by engraving mainly for jewellers and goldsmiths, but in the last few years I have grown professionally thanks to cutlery. I love to engrave knives and give them a new identity, making them unique. I am fortunate to have shared projects with great Spanish craftsmen, but also with excellent European cutlers and clients.

Recording fulfils me, I enjoy it, and you can see that passion in my work. I hope to continue exporting my prints around the world and that every client can proudly show off that little piece of my art.


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